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October 9, 2010

Ties That Bind, Ties I Don't Mind

There are pictures of me when I was 5 or 6 years old, yanking furiously at the collar around my neck looking extremely uncomfortable, and do you know why? Because I'm wearing a goddamn tie, that's why! Anyway, ties have played a big part in my life. I don't know what I did wrong in a past life to warrant this fate, but there it is.

October 6, 2010

What's the Plan, Man?

I've never been much of a planner. This is not to say that I've never set long-term goals, or accomplished anything. I have. It's just that, well, it's not something I necessarily like all that much. This is somewhat odd because for a long time I wanted to be an urban planner. I was actually quite taken with this idea and in fact took a couple graduate courses in plannning. People that knew me laughed about this.

I quit after an off-duty cop hit my car and refused to take any responsibility for it. He was in my class. Yes, I know that makes no sense, but that's what I did.

September 19, 2006

The Writing on the...

The other day I was walking in the Rillito Wash. I was having many profound thoughts as I witnessed the lingering results of all the recent rains - the exposed roots ot the trees, the unusual items that had been carried along by the rains, the variations in the moisture level of the soil.

March 21, 2006


Spring is here but like many other places on the globe it doesn't seem normal. Here in Tucson it's cold and even a little damp. Some rain has come recently but it was late and sparse. Although there is snow on the mountaintops it doesn't seem to be nearly enough. It is as if the earth itself is undergoing some form of metamorphosis but not the one we have come to expect with the changing of the seasons.

March 18, 2006


My dictionary weighs six pounds. It's BIG. Oh yeah I know about the spell check and I use it but I like having a good fat old dictionary around. Here's what I'm going to do. From time to time, I'm going to randomly pick a word for the day and discuss it. I also thought the word could function like a tarot card reading for the day. Oh and just so you know, I'm not going to consciously select these words. I'm going to rifle through the pages and then let my fingers wander over the selected page without looking and then land on one. So let's get started. And today's word is: JUVENILE.

March 17, 2006


Well I just talked to my mom and she told me an inspiring story. She lives in Florida next door to this woman who divorced some guy 26 years ago. Apparently this guy was supposed to pay her alimony of $50 a month (she must have had a really shitty lawyer) but he NEVER did. He skipped out on them.

Anyways this guy, after 26 years, walks into a bar where this woman's son is having a drink! So now she knows where he is and she's suing him for the money. I don't know what it is but something about this story just delights the hell out of me.


I've got spring fever today. I feel like running amok, in a subdued fairly inoffensive way. Either that or maybe I'll just walk amok or perhaps I'll sit completely still know...amok.