The other day I was walking in the Rillito Wash. I was having many profound thoughts as I witnessed the lingering results of all the recent rains - the exposed roots ot the trees, the unusual items that had been carried along by the rains, the variations in the moisture level of the soil.
As I looked east, I saw what looked to be a patch of still wet mud beneath a bridge. This prompted more ruminations on the interplay of man and environment and the possible microenvironment that still might exist in this isolated patch of dark brown earth.
I pressed forward anxious to see what might be there. As I approached I noticed scratch marks in the soil. From a disctance I supposed it might be the work of some wild animal, perhaps digging for water or food. The mystery was soon solved as I reached the sheltered patch of wet ground.
With a stick someone had written the following words in the mud, "Bite my Ass!"
So, the moral of my story freinds? The insistence of nature is only matched by the insistence of some to write grafitti - on it. Happy trails!
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